It has to work in black and white. It has to be legible when less than an inch tall.
It can't look like something else when it's reversed out. It has to tell a story.
This logo was done for a group within a BP refinery that deals with filtration and utilities. Adhering to the BP brand, we kept it simple enough for a range of applications from PowerPoint to hard hats.

PathWise is a technology that monitors and controls the speed of a scooter based on its location—a sidewalk vs. the street—to decrease (and hopefully eliminate) sidewalk accidents.

For an upscale Italian restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, They wanted fresh, original, and authentic. They got my handwriting.

This logo is for a video production house. The first video ever made was of a horse running, so the owner wanted to use that element with the DH (also his initials). I added the pause button as another subtle video element.
Evolution Stretch Tents is bringing a new look to outdoor events. Their audience is looking for fresh, trend forward ideas, so they wanted a sophisticated look without being stuffy.
Foundation 648 does technology, but they also do the best thing for you and your company. Building from the ground up, the right way is their philosophy and their branding system needs to reflect that.
This logo was done for a super strategist that I have worked with in the past. Knowing her and the value she brings to her clients drove the identity. She is razor sharp and moves things forward with an eye on the end goal.
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